Process Technology, a wet process heating and cooling equipment manufacturer based in Frontier, Ohio, has received grant funding from Ohio's Third Frontier photovoltaics program. This program is an economic development program designed to boost Ohio's economy by making investments in technology.
In collaboration with Cleveland State University and Ohio State University, Process Technology intends to bring a product to market specifically designed for the demands of the photovoltaic industry. The proposed product is an ultrapure, low-cost, intrinsically safe inline chemical/water heater utilizing positive-temperature coefficient technology, the company says. The intent of this product is to provide cost-effective performance for a wide variety of applications in the solar cell industry.
‘The photovoltaic industry currently utilizes a wide variety of wet chemical processes that play a key role in solar cell manufacturing,’ says Joel Rozga, engineering manager. ‘These include wet chemistries, such as deionized water, solvents, surfactants, acids and alkalis.’
SOURCE: Process Technology