Puget Sound Energy Launches Educational RE Program


Puget Sound Energy (PSE), a Washington energy utility, has introduced a program under which public schools and other educational institutions can receive a grant for installing a small-scale solar array (900 W to 2 kW) or wind power system.

The utility has opened the grant-application period to both schools and nonprofit institutions with a renewable-energy education focus. These organizations are eligible to apply for a PSE grant, which can range from $5,000 to $20,000.

Grants also support real-time, Web-based monitoring software that allows students and interested community members to track how much energy is being generated. The utility also provides educational materials and support, including science teacher training, classroom activity guides and renewable energy science kits.

PSE's Renewable Energy Education Program (formerly called Solar Schools) and the voluntary Green Power Program have provided $394,139 in grants to fund 23 educational solar-power projects in western Washington during the last seven years, the utility notes.

SOURCE: Puget Sound Energy

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