PV LEGAL Reports Progress In Reducing Barriers To Solar Deployment


After almost two years of operation, the PV LEGAL consortium says that ‘real progress’ has been made removing legal and administrative barriers to solar PV in a number of the countries involved in this European Union-funded project.

Starting in July 2009, the PV LEGAL project has enabled countries, such as Greece and Slovenia, to improve their legal-administrative framework for the development of photovoltaic systems.

In Greece, procedures for residential systems were simplified in summer 2010: A one-stop shop was set up, reducing the procedure to a single step, and systems in autonomous islands are now authorized. The procedure to install systems on historical buildings has also been simplified.

In Slovenia, changes in September 2010 meant that PV systems of less than 1 MW no longer require a building permit, which was a major road block for the development of small- to medium-size systems, the consortium says.

However, in some cases, such as in Spain or the Czech Republic, procedures have become considerably more onerous, to the extent that it is now sometimes impossible to get a grid connection permit for projects, seriously hindering market development. According to the consortium, in some cases, these barriers have been deliberately introduced recently by the national authorities in order to slow down or even stop PV development.

The latest update from the PV LEGAL is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of administrative barriers hampering the development of PV in Europe. It covers 12 countries, including most of the main photovoltaic markets in Europe: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and the U.K.

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