PV Powered Introduces IntelliString Line Of Smart Combiner Boxes


PV Powered has announced the availability of its new IntelliString line of smart string combiner boxes. According to the company, the IntelliString smart string combiner box was developed to provide PV system integrators with a reliable and easy way to implement string monitoring that is affordable enough to use on every commercial PV system.

String-level performance data enables the quick diagnosis of system-level underperformance due to failed modules, shading or soiling. Until now, this important tool was primarily used on large, expensive systems due to the high cost of string-level monitoring hardware and the complexity of the installation process.

PV Powered says it has selected the Obvius DC Solar Current Monitor to enable the smart string current monitoring for its robust and easy-to-use design, Modbus output, and built-in user-selectable alarming functions, which simplify data collection and reporting.

PV Powered: (541) 312-3832

SOURCE: PV Powered

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