Raycap Completes 1.4 MW PV Plant Next To Factory


Raycap Corp., a global manufacturer and provider of surge protective devices (SPDs) for industrial, telecommunications and energy markets, says it has completed the construction of a new 1.4 MW PV power generation facility.

The plant is located adjacent to Raycap's factory at Drama, Greece, and is expected to generate 2 GWh annually. It is equipped with 18,200 thin-film solar panels and two 800 kW central inverters.

The inverter and junction boxes in Raycap's PV plant are protected against overvoltages through the installation of the company's SPD products, the company adds. All DC and AC power lines, as well as signaling and surveillance circuits, are protected by Raycap's Strikesorb and ACData SPDs.

The project is expected to serve as a research and development test facility for Raycap's products.

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