Recreation Centers of Sun City Inc. (RCSC) in Arizona has approved plans for a 2.2 MW photovoltaic solar project that is expected to generate approximately 4 GWh annually.
The new solar electric systems will be installed at all seven recreation centers, Bell Lanes, Lakeview Lanes and some of the golf maintenance facilities. Collectively, the systems will include an estimated 14,000 PV modules. In addition, RCSC will install thermal systems to assist in heating the swimming pools at the Bell and Oakmont Recreation Centers.
These projects were made possible through federal, state, Southwest Gas and Arizona Public Service incentives, RCSC says. Wilson Electric will provide the solar electric systems. Global Renewable Energy has teamed with Priceless Plumbing as the installation contractor to provide the solar water heating systems.
The entire project is expected to be installed and online by the end of the year.