RE100 Companies Halfway To 100% Renewables


Companies involved in the RE100 campaign are, on average, halfway toward meeting their 100% renewable energy goals, according to a new report published by The Climate Group and CDP.

The latest available data, which covers 45 of the current 53 RE100 member companies in 2014, shows that those in the retail sector have switched the largest amount of electricity to renewables (10,764,000 MWh in 2014); meanwhile, those in the information and communication technology sector are closest to reaching their 100% renewable electricity goals (on average, they are 64% of the way there).

RE100 members include big-name companies such as BMW Group, Coca-Cola Enterprises, IKEA Group and Google. Taking into account company interim and end goals for reaching 100% renewable electricity, the report says RE100 projects that the current group of 53 RE100 members will reach an average of 80% renewable electricity by 2020.

“The good news is that RE100 companies in every sector have made progress toward their 100 percent goals – or in some cases, have already got there,” says Emily Farnworth, RE100 campaign director at The Climate Group.

“The companies that have been able to make the switch more easily are those with smaller power requirements operating mainly in the U.S. or Europe – where renewable electricity options are most readily accessible,” continues Farnworth.

Roberto Zanchi, technical manager of renewable energy at CDP, adds, “This report shows us that business corporations around the world are stepping up in making commitments to renewable energy and working with RE100 to drive forward a global market for renewable energy.”

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