REEEP Announces Funding For 49 Projects


The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) will fund 49 new clean energy projects in 25 countries as part of its mission to help kick-start the uptake of renewables and energy efficiency in emerging markets. This funding round, REEEP's seventh, is the largest ever, representing a 46% increase over its sixth disbursement in June 2007.

‘REEEP projects concentrate on the two areas where small-scale interventions can have a huge knock-on effect: in helping establish clear regulatory and policy frameworks for renewables and energy efficiency, and in creating finance and business models to attract private players to these sectors,’ says Dr. Marianne Osterkorn, REEEP's director general. ‘Given the financial crisis, this year's roster is weighted slightly towards the policy side, but even so, we also have some very interesting financial projects in the mix.’

Nine projects will be situated in China, including support for the CRED (Centre for Renewable Energy Development) in creating a road map to show how 30% of China's 2030 energy demands could be met with renewables. Another will assist China's National Lighting Test Centre in formulating testing methods for LED lighting.

Projects in India will include the implementation of a national framework for Tradable Renewable Energy Certificates (TRECs) with the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. and federal and state energy regulators. A microfinance project with the Foundation for Development Cooperation will support renewable energy systems in Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu.

SOURCE: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership

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