Renewable America Community Microgrids Head Toward Commercial Operation


Renewable America (RNA) has issued development updates on two of the company’s California solar sites: the 2.93 MW West Tambo Clean Power II site (WEST-II), located in Livingston, and the 4.29 Dos Palos Clean Power site (DOSP), in Dos Palos. 

Both projects are set to benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities.

WEST-II is projected to achieve its commercial operation date by next month, with San Jose Clean Energy set to purchase the power generated by the project. Peninsula Clean Energy will purchase the power produced by DOSP to supply energy to Los Banos residents.

“Climate change mitigation and energy resilience in local communities are core components of RNA’s mission,” says Ardeshir Arian, president and CEO of Renewable America. 

“These developments are contributing to California’s renewable energy targets while making a difference in the lives of San Jose and Los Banos residents, and we’re thrilled to see the projects’ progress.” 

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