Renewable America Delivering Solar Power to California CCAs


Renewable America, a provider of distributed energy resources in California, is providing over 15 MW of solar power coupled with 8 MWh of energy storage to four different community choice aggregators (CCAs).

Through five projects in total, Renewable America is enabling these CCAs to progress toward their state-mandated Resource Adequacy (RA) program in light of the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) recent marketplace limitations. All five projects are now fully subscribed and will complete construction by Q1 of 2024.

“We are excited to be working with Renewable America to help us meet our RA obligation as a load serving entity,” says Matthew Marshall, executive director of Redwood Coast Energy Authority. “This community-scale project is on track to be completed in under two years, unlike larger utility-scale projects that can take many years to develop.”

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