Renewable Power Solutions, State Of California To Offer Solar Apprenticeship Program


Power Solutions Inc., a provider of solar energy installation services, has been awarded the first exclusively solar apprenticeship program by the state of California. The company has partnered with the San Jose Metropolitan Education District's Central County Occupational Center to organize the in-classroom portion of the program.

‘As the renewable energy industry – and solar panel installations in particular – are poised for explosive growth in the years ahead, we felt it was necessary to address standards of workforce qualification and, ultimately, the quality of solar installations,’ says Jose Radzinsky, CEO of Renewable Power Solutions. ‘These standards will provide the industry with the necessary and systematic training for a successful future of the solar workforce.’

The state of California apprenticeship program allows for learning while earning, combining training on the job with related and supplemental instruction at school. The new program, developed by Renewable Power Solutions, provides accredited training to individuals seeking a career in the photovoltaic industry. The curriculum includes on-the-job learning, classroom teaching and homework.

The program requires the successful completion of 4,000 hours to achieve photovoltaic journeyman status and will typically take up to two years to complete.

SOURCE: Renewable Power Solutions Inc.

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