Rensselaer Signs Licensing Agreement For Magnetohydrodynamics Solar Tech


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., has signed an exclusive license agreement with Concentrating Solar Power Utility Inc. for a new solar power technology utilizing magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The three co-inventors are Concentrating Solar Power Utility founder Thomas P. Kay and Rensselaer faculty members Douglas Chrisey and Yoav Peles.

The technology uses superconducting magnets to increase the efficiency of conversion from sunlight to electricity by stripping electrons from high-energy plasma jets and thereby generating power with no moving parts, Rensselaer says.

A key benefit of MHD is its ability to operate at higher temperatures, which is expected to make it a strong fit to use in solar power generation, according to Rensselaer.

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