CSA Group has opened its public review period for a new set of guidelines: F900, Photovoltaic Rooftop Installation Best Practices. The review period opened on Sept. 24 and closes on Oct. 8.
According to CSA Group, the guidelines are intended to outline best practices for rooftop solar photovoltaic systems. They address the following topics:
– Structural analysis of the building itself resulting from the solar photovoltaic system installation;
– Structural analysis of the solar photovoltaic racking;
– Flammability of rooftop solar photovoltaic mounting systems;
– Preventing water penetration of the roofing system due to the installation of a solar photovoltaic system;
– Climbing hazards associated with solar photovoltaic system installations;
– Avalanche hazards (due to snow and wind loads) associated with solar photovoltaic installation; and
Safe access and maintenance related risks (as related to first responders, window cleaners, other service personnel, etc).
The full draft is available here. Interested solar stakeholders are encouraged to contact CSA's Syed Ali at syed.ali@csagroup.org with comments.