Schletter Ramps Up Production Capacity At Arizona Factory


Schletter Inc., a manufacturer of solar photovoltaic mounting systems, plans to increase its engineering and production capacity at its 75,000 square-foot facility in Tucson, Ariz.

‘The benefits customers will experience with Schletter's increased production and engineering capabilities are threefold,’ says Martin Hausner, president of Schletter Inc. ‘Shorter lead times, reduced material costs, and decreased manufacturing turnaround times become even more important on projects with tight project deadlines.

‘With the year-end approaching, expectations to deliver product quickly and accurately becomes increasingly important for immediate installations,’ he continues. ‘Schletter will have no problem meeting such expectations.’

Schletter adds that it has already tested its enhanced high-volume production and engineering capabilities by delivery several triple-digit-megawatt solar mounting systems, such as with the 150 MW Zachry Industries installation.

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