SEIA: Nevada Net Metering Study Shows Huge Upside To Solar


The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) says a new independent study prepared for the Nevada Public Utilities Commission (PUC) estimates that the grid benefits of rooftop solar systems installed in the state through 2016 will outweigh costs by more than $36 million, confirming that solar energy can provide real savings for both solar and non-solar customers alike.

According to report author Energy + Environmental Economics (E3), the state's net energy metering (NEM) program – which gives Nevada residents full credit on their energy bills for the clean electricity they deliver to the utility grid – has ‘no substantial cost shift to nonparticipants â�¦ given the current and proposed reforms to the program." What's more, accounting for the cost savings of avoided distribution upgrades, E3 estimates a net benefit of $166 million over the lifetime of solar systems installed through 2016.

SEIA says these findings are critically important because the Nevada PUC is currently reviewing whether solar customers should be in a separate class for future rate-making decisions.

"This new reports confirms what we have been saying all along: utilizing solar energy benefits Nevada families, schools and businesses," says Rhone Resch, president and CEO of SEIA." And net metering is one of the most important state programs for empowering Nevadans to install solar. This, in turn, creates new jobs, pumps tens of millions of dollars into the state and local economies and helps to protect the environment, too. That's a win all the way around."

According to SEIA, the 476 MW of solar generating capacity currently installed in Nevada ranks the state fifth in the nation in installed solar capacity. In addition, average installed residential and commercial photovoltaic system prices in Nevada dropped by 25% last year.

"As one of the sunniest states in the nation, expanding the use of solar energy in Nevada is a no-brainer," Resch adds." But we're not just talking about saving money. The typical solar household in Nevada also saves 55,000 gallons of water per year. All things considered, this report clearly demonstrates that any fixed charges or arbitrary fees on solar customers in Nevada would be unfair and unwarranted."

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