Sharp Electronics Corp.'s solar division and Third Sun Solar have completed a 101 kW PV installation to power the Duke Energy Convention Center (DECC) in downtown Cincinnati. Energy services company Ameresco oversaw the project.
A total of 324 220 W Sharp ND-224UC1 and 105 235 W Sharp NU-U240fl modules were combined with 42 kW of SMA America's Sunny Tower inverters in a 429-panel array. The installation is ideally positioned to receive 1,000 hours of sunlight annually, according to Sharp.
The project received funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which required the solar modules to be domestically manufactured. Sharp's Memphis, Tenn., production facility provided the modules.
Deck Monitoring provided a monitoring system that allows DECC viewers to see the progress of the solar panel array in real time.