Alderville First Nation, a First Nation community within southeastern Ontario, and Silfab Ontario Inc., which is planning to inaugurate a new PV module manufacturing facility in Mississauga, Ontario, have entered into a project development agreement.
Silfab will supply and support a 5 MW ground-mounted solar photovoltaic system composed of 20,410 modules. The installation will use Silfab SLA245M modules made from 60 monocrystalline silicon cells. The modules will be produced in Ontario in accordance with the Ontario feed-in-tariff program's domestic-content requirements.
The solar farm, consisting of a combination of fixed mounted racks and single-axis trackers, will be installed on Alderville-owned properties and is expected to be operational by November, with an estimated production of approximately 5.7 million kWh per year.
SOURCE: Silfab Ontario Inc.