Solar Executives Call On Obama To Negotiate With China


In a letter sent to President Barack Obama, CEOs of 45 U.S.-based solar energy companies strongly urged the president ‘to discuss the mutual benefits of renewable energy development, especially solar photovoltaic technology,’ during his meeting with China's Vice President Xi Jinping. Xi is currently visiting the U.S.

In their letter, the 45 CEOs expressed hope that Obama and Xi will ‘discuss the mutual interests that America and China have in regard to expanding the use of solar technology. This is especially important in light of the potential for a mutually destructive trade war as both nations consider tariffs and duties on each other's imports of solar technology.

We believe that you and Vice President Xi have a unique opportunity to avoid such a trade war and find agreement that benefits the solar industries in both countries,’ the companies wrote.

The letter's writers include CEOs of AES Solar, MEMC/SunEdison, GT Advanced Technologies, REC Silicon, Rosendin Electric, Sungevity, SunRun Inc., Swinerton Inc. and other firms. Although the letter was not officially affiliated with the Coalition for Affordable Solar Energy (CASE), which opposes SolarWorld's trade complaint against China, the companies signing the letter are among the CASE's members.

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