Solar Panels At Anheuser-Busch Brewery Now Providing Power


The Anheuser-Busch brewery in Fairfield, Calif., says that more than six acres of photovoltaic solar arrays, installed and operated by SunEdison, are now generating the equivalent of approximately 3% of the brewery's electricity needs.

Last year, the brewery entered into an agreement with SunEdison to host the solar power plant on the brewery's property. The brewery also constructed a Bio-Energy Recovery System, which provides more than 15% of the brewery's fuel needs by turning nutrients in brewing wastewater into renewable biogas used to decrease the use of natural gas.

The ground-mount solar system, nearly 1.2 MW, is located on Anheuser-Busch property near California Highway 80. As part of the solar power services agreement, SunEdison financed, installed, and is operating and monitoring the system.

In addition, the brewery says it is evaluating the installation of a wind turbine and additional photovoltaic solar arrays on-site to generate more renewable energy.

SOURCE: Anheuser-Busch

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