SolarCity, a solar installer based in Foster City, Calif., and the nonprofit social services organization Project Open Hand have announced the launch of a matching program designed to highlight the potential of solar power technology to help control operating costs for nonprofits.
In this program, every 15 kW of solar power the Project Open Hand donor community purchases will be matched with 1 kW of solar power donated to augment the system. The partners have set a goal to raise a total of 120 kW of solar electricity power.
SolarCity was selected by Project Open Hand and The Foundation for Environmental Education, the nonprofit partner of the California utility Pacific Gas & Electric, to install a 23 kW solar system at its headquarters. SolarCity is co-launching the matching program to help fill the balance of Project Open Hand's roof with solar power.
‘We are thrilled to be working with the nonprofit community,’ said SolarCity's chief executive officer Lyndon Rive. ‘We all owe a great deal to the people at Project Open Hand who give of themselves every day. I'm hoping we can surpass the program goals and raise all the solar power they need and then some.’