solarhybrid Launches Conservation Monitoring Project At FinowTower PV Plant


solarhybrid AG and the University of Applied Sciences in Eberswalde, Germany, have launched a 13-year conservation monitoring project at the site of the FinowTower solar plant in Finowfurt, Brandenburg, Germany.

The plant's first construction phase, which has already been completed, is set to be expanded by 60.2 MW, increasing the total output of the power plant to 84.5 MW. Research efforts will focus on how the construction of large-scale photovoltaic open-field systems impacts the environment and what can be done to improve the design of these systems.

As part of the conservation monitoring, the University of Applied Sciences in Eberswalde will study the flora and fauna at the former Eberswalde/Finowfurt military airport in order to take any precautionary measures, such as relocating endangered species. Before construction work on the extension began, solarhybrid initiated dialogues with conservationists and all stakeholders, the company notes.

Since construction work began, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies and vegetation have been studied. Monitoring activities extend across the entire area of the photovoltaic power plant.

The research results of the pilot project are also expected to lead to insights on ways in which potential conflict situations between companies, citizens and conservationists can be avoided in advance when constructing plants and transmission routes in the future.

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