Solarwatt Reorganizes Product Portfolio Into Two Segments


Germany-based PV product supplier Solarwatt AG says it has restructured its product portfolio into two segments: the orange line and the blue line.

This classification will enable customers to easily identify the designated use of the products, the company explains. The color orange indicates the Solarwatt orange line, which is intended for the residential segment, including houses, apartment buildings, terraces and carports.

Blue represents products in the Solarwatt blue line, which have been specially developed for the business segment. These products are designed for use on the roofs of commercial buildings, such as office blocks, industrial premises, warehouses, agricultural buildings and greenhouses.

The company plans to roll out new products in both lines shortly. New offerings will include the 60P and 60P laminate modules (for flat industrial rooftops) in the blue line and the 54M module (with 54 monocrystalline cells) in the orange line.

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