Solectria Renewables LLC, a PV inverter manufacturer, has introduced a string combiner box (STRCOM) with an optional DC disconnect. The DC disconnect allows installers, maintenance crews and first responders to turn off a solar system at the source, the company says. This option is compliant with UL 1741/IEEE 1547 and the 2011 National Electric Code.
The STRCOM's load-break rated switch (DC disconnect) is at the heart of the combiner and capable of breaking the circuit with sufficient speed to eliminate arc formation. The switch is tested to UL 508 and listed by CSA, Solectria adds.
The unit is available with eight or 16 fused inputs, rated at NEMA 4X (fiberglass) or 24 fused inputs, rated at NEMA 4 (polyester powder-coated steel).