Solectria Renewables Debuts New Line Of PV Inverters


PV inverter manufacturer Solectria Renewables LLC has released a new line of commercial PV inverters for the solar market.

The new commercial inverter line has five inverter power levels: 50 kW, 60 kW, 75 kW, 85 kW and 100 kW. The inverters include a user-interactive LCD, as well as fused subcombiners, forward-facing disconnects, a stainless-steel enclosure, Web-based monitoring, built-in cellular connectivity and an air intake filter.

The inverters also come with built-in smart-grid/utility options, such as intelligent communications, real-power curtailment, reactive-power control, and voltage and frequency ride-through. Solectria Renewables has been developing these features in partnership with the Electric Power Research Institute, Detroit Edison, National Grid and Xcel Energy as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's SunShot Initiative.

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