Spire Introduces Module Engineering Platform


Spire Corp. says it has made available a new simple development engineering platform for universities, companies, government laboratories and corporate research and development organizations to develop and evaluate their new materials and designs for photovoltaic modules.

This development engineering platform has all of the necessary pieces of equipment to make PV modules. The platform includes a Spi-Stringer that solders solar cells together into strings; a Spi-Laminator for encapsulating the cells, usually between glass and a polymer; a Spi-Sun Simulator to characterize performance of the completed module; and a recommended list of ancillary equipment.

Also included is training on all of the equipment and the process knowledge to make a module, the company adds. The development engineering platform includes a list of recommended materials, a basic crystalline module design and a ‘How to Make a PV Module’ instruction book as a starting point for researchers to work from and for evaluating their own technology.

Spire Corp. (781) 275-6000

SOURCE: Spire Corp.

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