Sphere Renewable Energy Corp. (SREC) has selected Toledo, Ohio, as the development site for its new wholly owned subsidiary, Buckeye Silicon (BeSi). The initial production plant will be located at The University of Toledo's Center for Renewable Energy.
BeSi will produce polycrystalline silicon, and the products produced will be sold predominantly to PV producers in North America and Europe. SREC recently has entered into a joint venture with strategic East Asian investors to begin using SREC's proprietary process to mass-produce c-Si for the PV market.
Solar cell manufacturers in the Toledo market currently use a process that does not require c-Si to produce PV solar cells, SREC notes. With the addition of BeSi's manufacturing base, the Toledo area will be capable of boosting its photovoltaic manufacturing portfolio, spanning the entire PV value chain.
SOURCE: Sphere Renewable Energy Corp.