SunEdison has taken a significant step toward simplifying solar projects across North America by beginning integration of more than 3,300 electric-utility industry standards in the engineering, construction, deployment and maintenance of PV systems.
With the IHS Standards Expert solution, an information management tool for utility industries, SunEdison engineering, construction and maintenance crews will have real-time access to utility industry standards. Implementation of broad solar standards will facilitate traditional utility interconnections and drive economies of scale for the solar industry.
SunEdison says it will use the IHS standards management tool to fully integrate standards for the solar industry, which are used by electricity providers and traditional utilities. More than 300 SunEdison team members globally will have access to IHS Standards Expert during the development, implementation and refinement of photovoltaic energy systems, tapping more than 3,300 utility-adopted standards and specifications from standards developing bodies such as IEEE, NEMA, UL and IEC.
‘Industry standards are key to ensuring a common language, specifications and measurements for development, construction and maintenance of photovoltaic energy systems in order to extract the maximum value from their systems,’ says Thomas Rainwater, CEO of SunEdison.