SunPower Planning 13.8 MW Solar Plant In California


SunPower Corp. has begun designs for a 13.78 MW solar photovoltaic power system at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in California. The company says it plans to break ground on the installation next month.

The project is expected to generate the equivalent of more than 30% of China Lake's annual energy load, helping to reduce costs by an estimated $13 million over the next 20 years, according to SunPower. The Navy will purchase the electricity through a power purchase agreement using 10USC 2922a authority.

Under the agreement, SunPower will design, build, operate and maintain the solar power system which will use the company's Oasis Power Plant product, a module solar power block. An affiliate of Metropolitan Life will be the owner of the plant, which will be leased to a SunPower affiliate.

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