SunPower Supplies 70 MW Of CPV Cell Packages For Two Solar Projects In China


SunPower Corp. has sold over 70 MW of concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) solar cell packages to the Huaxia Concentrated Photovoltaic Power Co. Ltd. in Inner Mongolia, China.

These packages will be used for the first phase of two SunPower C7 Tracker projects: a 20 MW project in Saihan and a 100 MW project in Wuchuan. Both are scheduled to be completed in 2015.

The projects' joint venture group includes SunPower, Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co. Ltd., Inner Mongolia Power Group Co. Ltd. and Hohhot Jinqiao City Development Co. Ltd. Its focus is to manufacture and deploy SunPower's C7 CPV technology in the Chinese market. The C7 combines single-axis tracking technology with rows of parabolic mirrors that reflect light onto SunPower's high-efficiency Maxeon solar cells.

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