The T-Solar Group has announced its involvement in another 61 MW of solar projects in India and Peru.
The group has just brought its first PV power plant – a 5 MW solar project in India – online. The new plant uses thin-film amorphous silicon panels produced in the company's factory in Galicia, Spain.
The project is located near the city of Jodhupur, in the state of Rajasthan, India, from which it will be feeding 8.5 GWh a year into the country's national electricity grid. The plant was developed by T-Solar and Astonfield Renewable Resources under a joint-venture agreement they signed last June to roll out photovoltaic power projects.
Before year-end, T-Solar and Astonfield will connect their second photovoltaic power plant to the grid on the Indian subcontinent, this time in the Patan district in the state of Gujarat. The new plant, which has a capacity of 12.3 MW, will generate 19.4 GWh a year.
In addition, T-Solar has announced that it has two solar projects under construction in Peru. The two new plants, which will total 44 MW, will also use the thin-film amorphous hydrogenated silicon modules. The company is planning to bring the projects online in June 2012.