Telecom Company Vodafone Making Drastic Shift To Renewables


U.K.-based Vodafone Group PLC, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, has joined the RE100 initiative and committed to purchase 100% of the electricity it uses from renewable sources by 2025.

Led by The Climate Group, in partnership with CDP, RE100 brings together major companies around the world committed to 100% renewable electricity.

Notably, Vodafone’s operations are currently powered by 13% renewables, meaning its target to source 100% by 2025 will require a significant shift to clean energy, says RE100. To reach its goal, the company will look to sign power purchase agreements – in turn, supporting the growth of renewable energy markets across the globe.

Beyond this, Vodafone aims to develop on-site renewable systems across its technology centers and base station sites and purchase renewable energy certificates.

Sam Kimmins, head of RE100 for the The Climate Group, says, “I’m delighted to welcome Vodafone Group to RE100. Setting a target to source 100 percent renewable power by 2025 demonstrates real leadership and a commitment to be a driving force in the clean energy transition.”

In addition, to meet a commitment to reduce emissions by 40% from its own network operations by 2025, Vodafone is focusing on incorporating energy efficiency into new network designs. Vodafone is also bringing intelligent interconnection of its networks to facilitate reduced energy consumption for its customers.

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