Toys’R’Us Inc. plans to build what the company says is the largest rooftop solar power installation in North America at its distribution center in Flanders, N.J.
Staging for the system is currently under way, and construction will conclude this summer. Constellation Energy will build, own and maintain the rooftop solar power system.
Upon completion, the 5.38 MW on-site solar installation will occupy 869,294 square feet and is estimated to generate 72% of the electrical needs for the Toys’R’Us facility. The installation will cover nearly 70% of the distribution center's 1,281,000 square-foot roof and will consist of more than 37,000 UNI-SOLAR brand photovoltaic solar panels, manufactured by United Solar, a wholly owned subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices.
Depending on weather conditions, the system is expected to produce approximately 6.36 GWh of electricity each year, according to Toys’R’Us. The company will purchase the electricity generated by the system from Constellation Energy through a 20-year power purchase agreement.