Trina Solar Initiates Mass Production of n-type Cells and Modules


Trina Solar has produced the first Vertex N 610W module and n-type i-TOPCon cell at its plant in Huai’an, China, marking the start of mass production of the products.

The Huai’an plant, in Jiangsu province, has achieved full-scale phase II production as Trina Solar continues to ramp up mass production of n-type modules. In reaching this milestone, Trina Solar says it needed less than six months from startup to production of the first n-type modules and cells.

Based on 210 mm rectangular silicon wafer technology and n-type i-TOPCon Advanced technology, with highest average efficiency of mass-produced cells at 25.8%, Vertex N 610W modules are highly compatible with trackers, with 13% more installation capacity for single-row tracker systems. The module dimensions add scope to utility-scale or commercial and industrial solar applications and improve the utilization rate of a 40HC container to 98.5%, reducing logistics and BOS costs for customers, the company notes.

Trina Solar says phase II production of n-type cells and modules in Huai’an ensures sufficient capacity for n-type integration and lays a solid foundation for the efficient delivery of Vertex N 610W modules. By the end of the year, Trina Solar’s n-type wafer capacity is forecast to reach 50 GW, module capacity 95 GW and cell production capacity 75 GW, including 40 GW of n-type cells, all of which are equipped with n-type i-TOPCon Advanced technology.

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