Two 5 MW Photovoltaic Plants Planned In Connecticut


Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, D-Conn., has announced the selection of two planned solar projects using a new competitive process that is designed to help bring cheaper and cleaner energy to Connecticut.

The two projects, the East Lyme Solar Park and Somers Solar Center, were selected after a competitive evaluation of 21 projects submitted in response to a request for proposals (RFP) from Connecticut's Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).

As a result of the selection, the developers of the East Lyme Solar Park and Somers Solar Center will have the right to enter into 20-year power purchase agreements with the state's two electric distribution companies, Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) and United Illuminating (UI).

Each of the projects is designed to provide 5 MW of solar energy for the electric grid. The 20-year average cost of the power from the two projects is $0.22/kWh, according to the governor's office.

HelioSage Energy LLC plans to develop the Somers Solar Center, also known as the HelioSage Somers facility, with ground-mounted PV technology on 50 acres in Somers, Conn. The plant is anticipated to be operational by November 2013.

The East Lyme Solar Park is a 5 MW ground-mounted photovoltaic solar development project that will be situated on a vacant lot in East Lyme, Conn. The developer, GRE 214 East Lyme LLC, owns the site, which was originally intended for the development of residential homes and has sat idle since 2008.

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