Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has opened the Photovoltaic Technology Center of Excellence in Neu-Isenburg, Germany.
The new 22,600 square-foot testing facility houses 22 testing chambers, including 14 climate chambers, four damp heat chambers, two large walk-ins, two temperature and humidity ovens, and other testing equipment. This added capacity allows UL to offer its European customers faster and more cost-efficient testing processes due to the local presence and a highly skilled engineering team that speaks the local language, the company says.
UL adds that it is currently the only company in Europe that is fully accredited to test to UL 1703 and IEC/EN 61730 standards, and its UL mark has complete market acceptance in the U.S. The new facility enables small and large European manufacturers to locally test PV technologies and gain efficient access to the global market.
SOURCE: Underwriters Laboratories