United Natural Foods Hosts 3.2 MW Solar Array at Distribution Center


United Natural Foods Inc. (UNFI) says a solar array at its Howell, N.J., distribution center is complete. 

The 3.2 MW roof-mounted solar array is the company’s eighth solar installation and is nearly three times larger than any previous UNFI installation. 

The rooftop array contains 7,171 solar panels and was developed to generate an amount of renewable electricity approximately equivalent to the annualized energy demand at the Howell distribution center.

UNFI worked with PowerFlex, a provider of intelligent solar, storage and electric vehicle charging solutions for commercial and industrial customers, to complete the installation.

“The completion of our Howell solar array and investments in LED lighting at our distribution centers has already helped reduced our indirect Scope 2 emissions and will continue to help us as we work to reduce energy intensity in our distribution centers by 30 percent by 2030,” says Alisha Real, UNFI’s vice president of ESG and social impact.

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