U.S.-Israeli Joint Renewables Technology Program Seeking New Project Proposals


BIRD Energy, a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Israel Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources, has launched a new funding cycle for joint project proposals with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

To be considered, a project proposal must include research and development (R&D) cooperation between U.S. and Israeli entities: two companies or a company and a university or research institution. BIRD Energy stipulates that the proposal should have significant commercial potential and the project outcome should lead to commercialization.

Examples of areas of research and development themes within the scope of the call for proposals include solar power, wind energy, other renewables, energy efficiency technology, smart grid, alternative fuels, advanced vehicle technologies and water-energy nexus technology.

The conditional grant per project is up to 50% of the R&D costs associated with the joint project, and up to a maximum of $1 million per project.

The application process is web-based and requires prior discussion with the BIRD Foundation. Initial concept submissions are due by July 9 and full proposals are due by September 9. Decisions on projects selected for funding will be made during November.

A list of the previous approved projects can be found here.

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