The Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG) says it is expanding its focus to include solar generation. The UWIG board of directors has also voted to change the name of the organization to the Utility Variable Generation Integration Group.
Board President Henry Durrwachter explains that the expansion is in response to requests from UWIG member organizations to explore solar integration topics as well as those relating to wind.
‘Wind and solar are both generation sources with variable output, and many of our utility members are seeing significant amounts of both connecting to their systems,’ Durrwachter says. ‘We feel that the term 'variable generation' addresses the themes of variability and uncertainty common to wind and solar energy, as well as emerging renewable technologies such as wave and hydrokinetic power.’
UWIG had previously established a solar integration user group and conducted solar integration workshops. The target for complete changeover to the new corporate identity is January 2013.