Vela Solaris Launches Polysun Products In U.S.


Vela Solaris AG – a privately held, Switzerland-based corporation providing software solutions for the renewable energy sector – says it now offers its Polysun family of products in the U.S.

The Polysun family a flexible and accurate software for the simulation and design of renewable energy systems, optimized for any particular site and structure. According to the company, while other software programs are based on fixed inflexible templates, Polysun takes input for variables in building design, energy system components and climactic variables to create accurate energy analysis and system design that can be tailored to any site and structure.

The Polysun family includes three product lines: Polysun PV, targeting photovoltaics; Polysun ST, targeting solar thermal; and Polysun HP, targeting geothermal ground loop and heat pump systems.

Polysun products are designed to enable system designers, installers, planners, manufacturers and other users to design an optimized system for their site, calculate energy and carbon savings, and generate accurate return-on-investment reports for cost analysis. Polysun also produces reports with the data needed to obtain state and federal energy tax rebates.

Vela Solaris AG: 41 552207100

SOURCE: Vela Solaris AG

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