Velo Deploys Solar Experts to Implement Customized Energy Resiliency Plans


In the midst of a rapidly shifting social and economic climate, Velo Solar has deployed its team of experts to help companies plan for and adapt to change.

Velo’s experts in engineering, energy, battery storage and technology are now available to work with any company to create a custom plan for energy resiliency and continuity (ERC). The plan will help guide the company in coping with and surviving periods of upheaval and stress, like the current COVID-19 pandemic, by strengthening its energy infrastructure.

As business evolves in the wake of the current crisis, success will depend on each company’s ability to adapt and evolve rapidly. Secure access to energy is the key to powering this adaptation.

“Empower, Velo’s parent company, was founded in 2007 to create backup and recovery procedures with emergency power systems for large facilities,” says Mark Bell, CEO of Velo Solar.

“By incorporating additional resiliency options, including solar generation, battery storage and micro-grid capability, we have taken the legacy of Empower’s mission into our new era,” he adds.

Once the Velo team identifies the operational needs of a company, its experts will develop a comprehensive, customized ERC plan. This plan will help ensure a business has access to its servers and critical files that keep team members connected during short- and medium-term power outages. 

For more information on Velo Solar’s ERC plans, click here.

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