VLSI Standards Offers Solar Calibration Product For Simulators


VLSI Standards Inc., in concert with the opening of its solar calibration laboratory in San Jose, Calif., has released its first solar calibration product: the Solar Reference Cell.

The company says the Solar Reference Cell will be used by solar manufacturers to monitor and calibrate solar simulators, which are critical in determining the efficiency of production solar cells and panels.

VLSI Standards will also offer certifications of customer-supplied reference cells. The certifications will provide traceable measurements of short circuit current, open circuit voltage, maximum power, cell area, quantum efficiency, fill factor and conversion efficiency.

The new laboratory is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for the measurements of current, voltage, power and efficiency of PV devices under laboratory code 200302-0. The laboratory uses calibration standards traceable to the International System of Units through the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

VLSI Standards: (800) 228-8574

SOURCE: VLSI Standards

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