Wisconsin Utilities Roll Out New Renewable Energy Incentives


Focus on Energy, Wisconsin utilities' statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, has announced new residential and commercial renewable energy incentives.

The new residential renewable energy program offers cash-back rewards for the installation of eligible, new renewable energy systems in homes that already meet energy-efficiency requirements. The program has offerings for solar PV, solar hot water and geothermal systems.

For the residential program, solar PV systems receive $600 per kilowatt of capacity, and projects must be at least 0.5 kW. Solar hot water with auxiliary electric resistance systems receive $0.35 per kilowatt-hour of energy saved, and solar hot water with auxiliary natural-gas systems receive $6.00 per Therms saved. The maximum award amount per project for each of these incentives is $1,200.

The commercial renewable energy program offers financial support to the most cost-effective renewable energy projects located at eligible facilities. Eligible renewable energy technologies include solar PV, solar thermal, wind, biomass, biogas and geothermal. Incentives for commercial renewable energy projects will be awarded in a competitive request for proposals process.

More information on the programs is available here

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