Fort Collins, Colo.-based Woodward IDS says its SOLO PV inverters, which have been used in PV installations in Europe, are now being introduced to the U.S. market.
According to the company, the SOLO inverters are designed to maximize the power output from a solar array based on advanced current switching, liquid cooling and maximum power point tracking technologies. SOLO inverters are available in output ratings of 100 kW, 250 kW, 500 kW and 1,000 kW using the company's exclusive D-Booster technology. All models are available for indoor (IP54) or outdoor (IP55) installation.
SOLO inverters feature a local color touchscreen interface that provides a configurable display of electric power production, built-in diagnostic functions and a data-logger readout of important data. Internet access and 24-hour monitoring of SOLO inverter operation is also available, the company adds.