Yale Uses Local Services To Add PV System To Rooftop


Newington, Conn.-headquartered Schuco USA, a provider of solar energy solutions, and Sunlight Solar, a Milford, Conn.-based PV installer, have recently completed a 40 kW PV system installed on the roof of one of Yale University's dormitory buildings.

The 40kw grid-tied system, installed atop Fisher Hall of Yale's divinity school, is composed of 262 Schuco polycrystalline 158-SP PV modules. Because of the flat roof and the decision not to penetrate it, Schuco's SolarEZ mounting system, which is comprised of flat-roof brackets that were mounted onto the base rails, was used.

According to the companies, Schuco USA warehoused and distributed all the materials used for the project, as well as provided the design and wiring layout services.

‘I liked working with a local distributor,’ says Paul N. Israel, Sunlight Solar's president. ‘The materials were readily available, the engineering support is excellent, and the ballasted racks were the solution to this flat roof job.’

The new array will provide about two-thirds of the building's electricity demand during daylight hours, Yale officials say.

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