Yingli Green Energy Signs 33 MW Module Supply Contract


Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. has signed a module sales contract with Maessa Telecomunicaciones, Ingenieria, Instalaciones y Servicios (MAETEL), a Spain-based engineering, procurement and construction company that belongs to the industrial division of ACS Group.

Under the terms of this contract, Yingli Green Energy has agreed to supply 33 MW of PV modules to MAETEL from October 2010 through the end of April 2011.

The PV modules to be supplied by the company under this contract are expected to be installed in a PV solar power plant located in Curbans, France. According to the plant owner, GDF SUEZ Group, the 33 MW PV solar power plant in Curbans will be France's largest PV solar power facility and is expected to produce 43.5 million kWh of renewable energy each year.

SOURCE: Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd.

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