AEP Energy and Doral Sign Additional Solar Power Purchase Deal


American Electric Power’s AEP Energy subsidiary and Doral Renewables LLC (formerly Global Energy Generation LLC) have signed an additional long-term renewable energy purchase agreement for the second phase of the Mammoth solar project in Indiana.

The 360 MW DC Mammoth Solar II is part of the 1.65 GW DC Mammoth project being developed by Doral in Starke and Pulaski counties in northern Indiana. Mammoth Solar II is expected to begin construction during 2022 and reach commercial operation in 2024.

This agreement follows the long-term renewable energy purchase agreement previously executed between the parties in April 2021 for the first phase of the Mammoth Solar project, which covered 480 MW DC.

“AEP Energy is focused on delivering innovative energy solutions and continues to expand our portfolio of renewable energy resources to power possibilities for our customers,” states Greg Hall, executive vice president of energy supply for AEP. “We look forward to our ongoing collaboration with Doral LLC on this project as we build a cleaner, more sustainable energy future together.”

“We are proud to have such strong community and government support to make this project a reality,” says Nick Cohen, Doral’s president and CEO. “The economic impact through jobs, vendor contracts and taxes will work to revitalize the area. Pulaski County is utilizing its competitive advantage of being at the intersection of two electrical grid systems and having flat farmland as far as the eye can see. Instead of buying power from farmers in other states, Indiana and its farmers, through projects like Mammoth, have a real opportunity to be energy independent and even export power to neighboring states. Indiana is taking the lead as a true economic powerhouse.”

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