Comstock Metals Receives Air Quality Permit from Nevada DEP


Comstock has been notified by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection of the issuance of the new Class II Air Quality Operating Permit for its solar panel recycling facility.

The facility is being built to include technology for crushing, conditioning, extracting and recycling metal concentrates from PV and other electronic devices. 

Comstock has received county permission and the Class II permit, with issuance of the Nevada Solid Waste Material Recovery Facility Permit expected this quarter. The latter permit will enable Comstock to complete the process equipment installation and solicit the county fire marshall and building department to provide the final facility certificate of operation.

“We represent a safe, zero-landfill, end-of-life solution for solar installers, landfills, and utility-scale solar developers and generators, serving the entire Southwestern U.S. and beyond,” says Dr. Fortunato Villamagna, Comstock Metals president. “Large volumes of end-of-life photovoltaic materials are rapidly becoming available from large solar fields, creating an environmental dilemma. Comstock Metals ensures the safe deconstruction, decontamination, separation and productive reuse of important materials and precious metals.”

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