Con Ed Report Reflects Increased Customer Renewables Adoption


Con Edison customers are on pace to break last year’s solar installations record as the company continues efforts towards battery storage and electric vehicle charge points, according to its third quarter Clean Energy Update. 

Covering renewables adopted by customers in New York City and Westchester County, the most recent update’s key takeaways include:

  • Company customers have more than 554 MW of rooftop solar generating capacity, led geographically by Westchester.
  • Customers installed 36 MW of storage capacity during the third quarter and have currently completed 556 installations. 
  • Con Edison’s PowerReady program has supported more than 4,600 vehicle charge points since it began in 2020. This year, more than 1,900 points were installed, setting a new company record. 
  • Con Edison’s curbside charging demonstration project with New York City Department of Transportation and FLO, customers have plugged their EVs into curbside charging stations more than 110,000 times, delivering more than 2,400 MWh of driving energy. 

“Con Edison is committed to working with its customers and stakeholders to meet New York’s clean energy goals with the industry-leading reliability our customers expect and deserve,” says Con Edison’s Raghusimha Sudhakara. “We’re thrilled to see our customers embracing solar power, battery storage and EV chargers across our service territory.”

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