General Motors Pursuing 12 MW Rooftop Solar Installation In Spain


General Motors is adding the world's largest rooftop solar photovoltaic power installation to its car assembly plant in Figueruelas, Zaragoza, Spain. When the project is completed this fall, the installation will cover about 2 million square feet and generate about 12 MW of power.

Approximately 85,000 UNI-SOLAR thin-film solar laminates from Energy Conversion Devices Inc. will power the installation. GM has partnered with Clairvoyant Energy, Veolia Environmental and the Government of Aragon to develop the project. The company will lease the roof space to Clairvoyant Energy and Veolia Environment, who will build, own and operate the installation.

GM currently has two of the largest solar power installations in the U.S. on the roofs of its Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana, Calif., parts warehouses. The Rancho Cucamonga project was the first public solar project in the U.S. over 1 MW, when it began operating in the fall of 2006. The Fontana project, also 1 MW, became operational in December 2007.

SOURCE: General Motors

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