New York Power Authority Approves the VISION2030 Energy Roadmap


The New York Power Authority’s (NYPA) board of trustees has approved a new strategic plan, VISION2030, which provides a roadmap for transforming the state’s energy infrastructure to a clean, reliable, resilient and affordable system over the next decade. 

VISION2030 highlights NYPA’s commitment to partnering with statewide customers to ensure a cost-effective transition to clean energy while simultaneously moving the state ahead in meeting Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s climate targets under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).

“With the approval of VISION2030 we are poised to meet the energy demands and challenges of the next decade,” says John R. Koelmel, chairman at NYPA. “While continuing to provide affordable, reliable and clean electricity, we will increasingly partner with our customers to transform the way they are using energy and move aggressively toward the governor’s climate targets. That will ensure we even more effectively deploy our assets to power New York’s economy and further stimulate and enable job creation and capital investment around the state.”

Under Cuomo’s leadership, the state has set timetables for decarbonizing its electricity system including moving toward 70% renewables by 2030, 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040 and a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. VISION2030 includes a path to decarbonization by transitioning NYPA’s natural gas plants to low- or zero-carbon emission technologies and committing to supplying its customers with carbon-free electricity by 2035, five years ahead of the goal of carbon-free electricity by 2040.

VISION2030 focuses on five strategic priorities to achieve the clean energy goals of NYPA’s customers and the state. They include NYPA’s intention to:

-Partner with customers to deliver clean and affordable energy solutions
-Pioneer the path to decarbonization while ensuring reliability, resilience and affordability of the state’s electric grid
-Facilitate the rapid development of transmission assets

These strategic priorities will be supported by NYPA’s recently approved four-year financial plan, which includes five foundational pillars: becoming the first end-to-end digital utility; achieving best-in-class environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and reporting; establishing a leadership role in diversity, equity and inclusion priorities; bolstering enterprise resilience; and continuing progress with process excellence, workforce planning and knowledge management.

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